【NCCU Breaking News】
College of Science student tests positive for COVID-19, 4 close contacts test negative after self-screening.
Reminding everyone to continue to mask up, social distance and follow CDC health protocols. Stay safe!
Due to the random COVID-19 cases in the community, please remain vigilant in monitoring your own health via routine temperature checks and awareness of possible symptoms such as fever, throat pain, cough, runny nose, diarrhea, and sudden loss of taste or smell.
If any suspicious symptoms appear, it will be strongly suggested to take a rest at home, and take a home rapid test.
If any needs, you may proceed to take a PCR test at any of the following local hospitals: Taipei City Hospital Heping, Zhongxing, Renai, Yangming, and Zhongxiao branches, as well as Wanfang hospital and Guandu hospital.
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