Forewords from the Dean
Sincere greetings to all of you from the College of Social Sciences. The College of Social Sciences (CSS-NCCU) is the cradle of leadership in Taiwan and it shoulders the mission to cultivate the next generation of leaders with its vision of humanity and social responsibility. The establishing of the CSS-Newsletter is to create a platform for the faculty and students in our college to chart a course for building common ground for various prospects and ventures. As the famous quote in the Book of Change goes The Heavens are in motion ceaselessly;
PhD Student Attends Dajia Matsu Pilgrimage
One PhD Student from CSS’ IDAS program attends the Dajia Matsu Pilgrimage to understand Taiwanese culture [alaya_dropcap]J[/alaya_dropcap]ames Morris is a PhD student in the College of Social Sciences’ International Doctorate in Asia-Pacific Studies (IDAS) program. He recently participated in the first leg of Taiwan’s Dajia Matsu Pilgrimage, a nine day trek from Dajia District’s Zhenlan Temple in Taichung County to Chiayi County and back. Along the way participants witness Taiwan’s largest “renao” (hot and noisy) style celebrations. “From the very start you see tiger dancers, gymnasts, marching bands, drum corps, color guards, scantily-dressed
Prof. Chiang Yi-Lin Joins the Department of Sociology
[alaya_dropcap]W[/alaya_dropcap]e would like to offer a warm welcome to our most recent addition to the faculty staff, Prof. Chiang Yi-Lin, who joined us in the Department of Sociology. She was kind enough to grant us an interview to ask her about how she is settling in, and about her current research. When asked about how she’s been acclimating at NCCU, she responded, “So far so good!” Although it’s only been two months, she is settling in well, and enjoys the environment here. She particularly appreciates the freedom that NCCU has
China-India Relations
India’s domestic debate over China’s activities in the Indian Ocean Tuesday April 17, 2018 [alaya_dropcap]T[/alaya_dropcap]he College of Social Sciences had the honor of welcoming Professor Rajdeep Pakanati from the Center for Global Governance and Policy of the Jindal Global University in Sonipat, India. He is referred to as a Rising Star in his research field of International Relations in India. Currently he joined the Fellowship Program of NCCUs Institute of International Relations. In his seminar, which was conducted as part of Professor DeYuan Wu’s class from the Institute of International Relations, he focused
College of Social Sciences’ Happy Hour
NCCU College of Social Sciences welcomes new staff with a warm reception Friday April 13, 2018 [alaya_dropcap]N[/alaya_dropcap]ational Chengchi University’s College of Social Sciences (CSS) hosted a warm reception for new faculty of the Department of Ethnology. In collaboration with the Department of Anthropology, the director of the International Master’s Program of Applied Economics and Social Development (IMES), Dr. Wang Shinn-Shyr, and staff of the IMAS (International Master’s Program in Asia-Pacific Studies) and IDAS (International Doctoral Program in Asia-Pacific Studies) programs organized CSS Happy Hour to introduce CSS students and faculty staff members