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August 2020

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9/11 (五) IDAS/IMAS/IMES 聯合新生訓練議程 Sep. 11th IDAS/IMAS/IMES Joint Orientation Agenda 時間 Time活動事項Events地點 Location14:00-14:10 報到 (新舊生、師長)Registration綜合院館南棟13樓 第一會議室13 Floor, South wing, General Building,First Conference Room14:10-14:20院長致詞Dean’s Opening Speech綜合院館南棟13樓 第一會議室13 Floor, South wing, General Building,First Conference Room14:20-14:50IDAS/IMAS/IMES主任致詞Speeches from IDAS, IMAS, and IMES Directors綜合院館南棟13樓 第一會議室13 Floor, South wing, General Building,First Conference Room14:50-15:00教師介紹&致詞Welcome Speeches from the Faculties綜合院館南棟13樓 第一會議室13 Floor, South wing, General Building,First Conference Room15:00-15:20移動時間-三學程各自帶開Introduce 3 ProgramIDAS R271201IMAS R271203IMES R27121515:20-15:30學程簡介及學程修業規範介紹Guidance for Program Regulations & Graduation RequirementsIDAS R271201IMAS R271203IMES R27121515:30-15:50學長姐經驗分享Experiences Sharing from SeniorsIDAS R271201IMAS R271203IMES R27121515:50-16:00Q&A 時間Q&A sessionIDAS R271201IMAS R271203IMES R27121516:00活動結束,準備登山活動Orientation End綜合院館12樓12thFloor, North wing, General Building 貓空遊 Taipei Maokong Gondola 16:00-16:20Short breakbetween

Dear all, Social Science College now has a activity called "Travel to help"This activity require students to use their specialties to help the communities. The subsidy for this activity is $10,000 per student.  This amount is to compensate accommodation, transportation and meal.And students will need to go to Taitung for 10-14 days. During your stay, students will need to figure out what does students can do for the local community. When students come back, they need to submit a report of what they done.Please come back before Sep. 14th. Office will have a lecture over this