COVID-19 News and Announcements
In light of recent events, we would like to provide easier accessible information about the regulations concerning COVID-19. Please visit the relevant pages below to get the latest updates and news on the measurements and regulations to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Stay informed as sudden changes may occur. NCCU: COVID-19 NEWS AND ANNOUNCEMENTSOIC: Novel Coronavirus PreventionTaiwan Centers for Disease Control
Weiya Party: Photos
IDAS, IMES, and IMAS held their annual Weiya Party on the 12th Floor of the General Building. Students ate, chatted with professors, and played Bingo for prizes. Best of luck on finals and Happy Holidays, everyone!
Weiya Party: Photos
IDAS, IMES, and IMAS held their annual Weiya Party on the 12th Floor of the General Building. Students ate, chatted with professors, and played Bingo for prizes. Best of luck on finals and Happy Holidays, everyone!
College of Social Sciences hold basic workshops to improve students’ learning and research ability
In order to enhance students' learning outcome and improve their research capabilities, the International Master's Program of Applied Economics and Social Development (IMES) held Research Foundation Workshop on the 10th of December, inviting course teachers Dr. Shi-Shu Peng from Department of Public Finance, Dr. Yu-Hsuan Su from Graduate Institute of Development Studies, and Dr. Tzu-Ting Yang, a co-employed teacher from the Institute of Economics of the Academia Sinica, giving lectures on Applied Macroeconomics, Applied Microeconomics, and Causal Inference and Data Science in Economics respectively. The workshop was hosted by Dr.
IMAS, IDAS and IMES are jointly organising a get-together to celebrate the end of 2020. Students of the International Programs are invited to join the event on the 18th December 2020 on the 12th floor of the General Building (North Wing).