亞太碩 111學年度入學口試流程暨注意事項
日期:111年3月10日(星期四)報到時間:上午8:40~08:55報到地點:綜合院館北棟12樓271202面試地點:綜合院館北棟12樓271201口試順序由本學程安排。尚未輪到口試者,請在指定地點等候。面試方式:每次一位考生應試,每位考生以12分鐘為原則。依考生准考證號碼排定面試順序。 系組:亞太研究英語碩士學位學程 序准考證號碼姓名Name口試時間報到時間:8:40-8:55122310001張O穎09:00-09:12222310002王O緁09:13-09:25322310003袁O婷09:26-09:38422310004林O豪09:39-09:51522310005張O芳09:52-10:04622310006鄭O妤10:05-10:17 注意事項 Notifications: 於口試當天請攜帶附照片之『身分證件』及『繳費收據正本』。請準時應試,未到者以棄權論。口試請遵守考場秩序,勿大聲喧嘩。凡攜帶錄音錄影器材進入考場者,以作弊論。符合口試資格之考生未依上述方式辦理,導致延誤口試時間,口試成績以零分計算,考生不得異議,亦不得要求補考。 聯絡人 林助教 分機 51255 sheila@nccu.edu.tw
Application Period for II Round
※ Online application: Feb 17, 2022 - Mar 24, 2022, 5:00 pm (Taiwan time) Late applications will NOT be processed For application http://admission.nccu.edu.tw/intladmissionFor more information https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HNW_wcC9TQA8b2SxBEhoMwICKVls-sct/viewScholarship information https://oic.nccu.edu.tw/Post/1074
International Admission (stages-2) begins from Feb. 17
NCCU accepts international application twice a year. The application schedule for stage-1 and stages-2 admissions are listed below. ApplicationApplication periodResult announcementsStage-1Sep 27 to Oct 20, 2021Dec 3, 2021Stage-2Feb 17 to Mar 23, 2022May 30, 2022 Link Welcome to NCCU Virtual Open House 2022Check Admission Brochure for stage 2 application Online Application System
Merry and Happy New Year
Merry X’mas everyone. Wish y’all have a great time in NCCU. Let’s begin 2022 together.
Wulai Trip 2021
It is December, the perfect time in Taiwan to experience the outskirts of the bustling city. Our students had the opportunity to experience Indigenous culture in Wulai, home to the Atayal people.
Welcome Party 2021
A warm welcome to all new students! On November 18, 2021, the international programs of the College of Social Sciences (CSS) jointly hosted their annual welcome party. Local and international students were greeted by our Dean Professor Wan-Ying Yang and Associate Dean Professor Chung-Min Tsai in their opening speech before everyone got ready to mingle. Several sections at the event allowed local and international students to gather in groups in which they could interact in fun activities with other students from the ETP.
One Belt and One Road Initiative
Join us for 3 online lectures with Prof. Shigehisa Kasahara CourseInvited lectureDate & timeGoogle Meet connection1. Economic Development of ChinaOne Belt and One Road Initiative3:10~6:00pm, Tue, Oct. 12, 2021meet.google.com/esq-frux-oan 2. Taiwan, China, and Regional DevelopmentRegional integration beyond ASEAN – ASEAN-Plus, APEC, etc.3:10~6:00pm, Tue, Oct. 19, 2021meet.google.com/obz-cnfg-fvd 3. Economic Development of TaiwanComparative Economic analysis of former Japanese colonial territories: Taiwan vs South Korea (industrial structure)3:10~6:00pm, Wed, Oct. 27, 2021meet.google.com/ocy-fgzy-uic Note: These three courses are offered for International master program and student number for each course is around 10~15 person.
After Changing the ARC?
If you are a foreigner working at NCCU (student, faculty member, or staff), please check whether your Alien Residence Certificate (ARC) has changed recently. Recent government policy has changed ARC numbers to better conform to the domestic ID system, and old numbers on file may cause errors. If your ARC has changed recently, please bring your new ARC, a photocopy and the Application Form for Student Information Change/Correction to the Registration Section to update your information in the university system. Be sure to update your ARC information with your bank
Outstanding Performance IMAS Scholarship
ObjectiveThe scholarship is to provide financial supports to recognize and reward students with academic excellence.Qualification and RequirementsFirst-year or second-year registered studentsReceiving grades of at least two courses in the previous semesterNot receiving any other scholarships. Students who are NOT eligible to apply if they already receive other scholarships, including MOE, MOFA and OIC New student scholarship.Application DeadlineOctober 15th, 2021.Required Documents for ApplicationCompleted application formFull transcript of IMAS courses (Note: New students will be ranked according to their entrance examination and previous transcripts)Scholarly works published or presented in the conference during the
Teaching Assistant (TA) and Research Assistant (RA) positions available
The IDAS/IMAS/IMES programs are offering TA and RA positions for non-scholarship program students. All non-scholarship students are welcome to apply. English proficiency is required; Chinese is helpful but not necessary. Available Positions: Teaching Assistant (several) Research Assistant (several) Proofreading/Editing assistant (several) Teaching Assistants will assist professors to run IDAS/IMAS/IMES program courses. Each assignment is for one (1) course. We may appoint multiple assignments if necessary. English-spoken. Salary: $4,000-6,000 NTD per month Term: four months Duties include: Preparing classroomsSetting up learning equipment (computers, projectors, etc.)Clearing and closing-down classrooms and/or learning environmentManaging coursework as assigned by professors (distributing reading materials, collecting