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  /  IDAS   /  Congratulations Dr. Václav Linkov

Congratulations Dr. Václav Linkov

IDAS congratulates former student Vaclav Linkov for receiving the the Early Career Award by the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP).

Dr. Linkov has examined the way in which East Asian cultures are stereotyped by major cross-cultural theorists. He has made content analyses of major psychological journals, showing the way that results are overgeneralised beyond the cultural groups originally sampled, and examined the manner in which individuals are often treated as stereotypic tokens of their group. He has developed a critique of the etic research approach based on lexical analyses of the Czech and Korean languages, and has made a comparative study of person perception in China and the Czech Republic. His work highlights the importance of meticulous attention to indigenous aspects of a given cultural group in order to best understand it.


Dr. Linkov was a student in the International Doctoral Program in Asia-Pacific Studies from 2011 to 2013.

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