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Couses Selection Notification for 2021 Fall Semester

This is a post about the course selection periods and related notifications:
First of all, the course selecting periods are :
1.       Phase 1 initial period for course selection: 31st August until 2nd September.
2.       Phase 2 period for course selection: 8th September until 10th September.
3.       Course Add & Drop period: 22nd September until 29th September.
4.       Add-drop course period with the approval of the course instructor: 30th September until 7th October.
5.       Course Withdrawal Period: 15th November until 3rd December.
6.       Please see the attachment for more information.
Just as a reminder, please be aware of the program course requirements:
1.       Credits: The minimum total credits for the Program is 30 credits. Per university rules, students can take up to one-third of these (i.e., 10 credit hours) from other programs at NCCU, or from partner universities in other countries, and apply these credits towards their degree. Credit hours must be from a PhD program taught in English related to Asia-Pacific studies. Courses taken from other programs must be approved by the IDAS Director before they are taken, and they must fulfill all relevant university regulations.
2.       Students may select two non-English-taught courses related to their dissertation research.
3.       All students must take 2 required courses (6 credits) within two years, one required course (3 credits) will be opened in one semester.
4.       Students who study abroad must follow the relevant NCCU rules and regulations.
5.       A dissertation is required for the IDAS Program.
6.       For credits transfers or more information, please see the student handbook or visit the website: Regulations & Handbook – NCCU International Program
Credits: A minimum of 33 credit hours of graduate course work, including 9 credits for required courses and 24 credits for elective courses. Specialized Tracks: A total of 24 credits are offered in three (3) major areas of specialization consisting of ‘Social Security and Welfare,’ ‘Economic Analysis and Policy Evaluation,’ and ‘Environment and Resources.’ Students may select more than one area of specialization, requiring 9 credits in order to complete one track.IMES students can take up to three (3) graduate-level courses taught in English from other departments or programs. However, students taking IMAS/IDAS courses can take up to four (4). Any further course applications should be submitted one week prior to the add/drop course period and be approved by the IMES Program Director.A thesis is required for the IMES Program.For credits transfers or more information, please see the student handbook or visit the website: Regulation and Handbook – NCCU International ProgramLast but not least:
Please check the course numbers before you submit your course list!!!! IDAS course numbers start with 265, and IMES course numbers start with 266.
 For more information, please visit IDAS or IMES official website. 
Since the course schedule is not yet settled, it will be updated randomly before 10th , September. Please frequently visit the official websites for latest information. 
IDAS: Home-IDAS – NCCU International Program
IMES: Home-IMES – NCCU International Program

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