Teachers and students throughout the school are requested to continue to strengthen classroom epidemic prevention measures

Due to the recent increase in local cases of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in Taiwan, to effectively prevent the spread of the epidemic on campus, safeguard the health of teachers and students, and to protect the students’ rights to continue their education activities, the university is following health guidelines and instituting preventative measures in class. You are requested to take the following preventative measures in class:
1. QR Code Epidemic survey.
In response to the needs of the COVID-19 prevention measures, the university has implemented a “scan QR Code roll call” operation, which will continue to be implemented in the second semester of the 109 school year. Teachers must cooperate with the implementation during class to complete the epidemic information. The Dean of Academic Affairs has delivered the second academic conference in the first semester of the 109 school year. The QR Code roll call is only used for epidemic investigation, and is not used as a basis for student performance evaluation or attendance records.
2. Classroom epidemic prevention measures
According to the recommendations of the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) of Taiwan’s Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and guidelines from the Ministry of Education, teachers and students should ensure their learning environment is well ventilated, and, when space allows, to distribute seats as much as possible in class. Social distancing should be observed (1.5 meters between individuals indoors, 1 meters outdoors). If you cannot maintain social distancing, you are requested to wear a mask immediately.
However, due to the rapid changes in the epidemic situation, in addition to enhancing classroom and campus epidemic prevention, please continue to pay attention to the latest announcements in the school’s epidemic prevention zone to avoid cluster infections on campus. Please also take precautions to avoid and limit the spread of COVID-19.
For comments and suggestions, please call 02-29393091#62185.
Taiwan Centers for Disease Control: https://www.cdc.gov.tw/En